Baby laying on play mat smiling

Into The Forest Collection


It's autumn and the forest is dressed in the magical colors of fall. These engaging products inspire exploration, discovery, excitement, optimism and friendship, adding a whole new dimension of fun for babies to enjoy.

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Meet Our Tiny Pioneers

Orange fawn cartoon character

Florence the Fawn

I'm outgoing, social and like to take care of my friends. There's nothing I like better than gazing up at the stars!

Beaver cartoon character with green striped shirt

Albert the Beaver

I love creating things for my friends, like toys, swings and rafts and I'm always there to help. I'm the best builder, and can make anything!

Bear cartoon character with green suspenders

Isaac the Bear

I am really curious and love to use my imagination. I love climbing my favorite apple trees. When I get to the top, I drop apples down to my friends so they can enjoy them too.

Badger cartoon character with green scarf

Nikola the Badger

I love exploring the natural world around me --the trees, the ground, and the sky above. My favorite hobby is making inventions out of things I find. My friends love my inventions!

Into the Forest Collection
