We can all appreciate the good that a rain shower does for the earth, but it’s totally fair to feel bummed out when rain wrecks our day. It’s no fun when you’ve got a whole host of outdoor activities planned, but then the clouds roll in, which means no more picnic lunch. But, lucky for us, we’re not the Wicked Witch of the West and a little rain won’t melt us. Sometimes there are things that need doing and avoiding the rain is next to impossible. While we don’t suggest you and your little one brave a massive storm, sometimes you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. So, in preparation for a light drizzle or an unrelenting rainstorm, we’ve got some tips to help you prepare for a rainy-day walk with your baby.

Follow the Weather’s Lead

Strolling through a modest shower is no problem, but once the weather takes a turn for the worse, it might be time to turn back. If you’re out and hear thunder, see lightning, or the sky quickly turns dark, consider making your way indoors. You’re usually safe to head back out 30 minutes after the last burst of thunder, but trust your gut – is it time to call it a day and pivot to a movie marathon?

Stay Dry

Keeping baby dry in the rain is an important task – little ones become cold more quickly in wet weather, so layer up for the early spring cool temps. Dress them to impress in a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, warm socks under a waterproof layer.

Protect Your Gear

Whether your rainy-day walk was intentional or the showers caught you off-guard, once you’re home, make sure to dry off your gear. Luckily, the fabrics on most Maxi-Cosi strollers are dryer-safe, so you can unzip and throw them in the machine for one less thing to worry about. Take a towel and wipe down the stroller frame so you don’t end up with a puddle inside your entryway. Now you’re ready to stow away the stroller and turn your attention to providing some indoor entertainment to your rambunctious tot.

Have Fun

If you’ve got time on your hands and aren’t afraid of a little water, show your little one how to dance in the rain. If your child is old enough to walk, introduce them to the wonderful concept of puddle jumping. Let them take the lead and find that perfect jumping puddle right in front of your house. There’s nothing better than a sprinkle and some good clean fun. And remember to be on the lookout for rainbows!